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As we approach an election year it is extremely important that people take these candidates seriously and recognize that we have to go out and vote. Russ Parr is adamant that we need someone who will step into the White House on day one and “reverse” all of the horrible things that Trump has done. One person who says he’s up for that task is former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden disagrees with a lot of Trump’s actions and ideals and believes that he is in a sense “ripping the soul out of this country.”

The amplification of hate and prejudice that we have been seeing since Trump was elected is “not who we are,” Biden says. Adding that he believes the United States is supposed to “lead the world by example, not by our power.”

If on the Debate stage Trump begins attacking Biden and his family, Biden says he will “attack back,” but not in the way Trump does; he won’t bring his children or family into it. He will solely focus on Trump. For one, he’d like to tell him “release your tax returns or shut up.” Being attacked verbally doesn’t scare him, he explains “I’m used to bullies,” and one thing that he’s learned over the years is that “bullies at their core are cowards.”

Biden is confident that he is the best candidate to be the next President of the United States because he has more experience than the other candidates “combined and doubled.” He explains that he doesn’t mean that to be arrogant, but the fact of the matter is that “there’s going to be no time for on the job training,” for the next President.

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Joe Biden Believes He Is The Most Qualified Candidate To Be The Next President  was originally published on ioneblackamericaweb.staging.go.ione.nyc