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Senator Kamala Harris is in the race to become the next president of the United States! She called into the Russ Parr Morning Show to discuss her run. Russ compliments her on her performance during last night’s democratic debate and says she, “did an incredible job.” Russ believes that “The decision may come down to a Black woman or a Gay man,” and asks Harris if she believes America ready for that.

She says with confidence that she believes America is ready. Her past has shown her that Americans can be ready to support an embrace something new if they believe in it. She says in every race that she has run people have asked if people are “ready.” And despite that, she won.

“The people have the ability to see that which they have never seen before,” Harris says. She believes people have shown that they have the the desire to “support what can be unburdened by what has been.”

In this election the Democrats are doing the same thing that they did back in 2008 when Barack Obama was running. Harris says she is less concerned with weather or not people are ready, and more concerned with the people that are “waiting for someone to give them permission to believe it’s possible.”

Kamala Harris Believes America Is Ready For Something New  was originally published on ioneblackamericaweb.staging.go.ione.nyc