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As a celebrity whether you like it or not your personal life is always up for scrutiny, especially if you have publicized your relationship. It seems like Adrienne Bailon is learning that lesson the hard way because after basking in her recent engagement and upcoming wedding to Israel Houghton, she is being faced with the opinions of those on social media who have a less than stellar opinion of her hubby-to-be.

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Source: Noel Vasquez / Getty

In a recent interview with Power 105.1’s Angie Martinez, Adrienne Bailon expressed that she is definitely not here for blogs and social media commentators trying to make her fiancé out to be a deadbeat dad and an adulterer, amongst other things. Bailon also stated that she is well aware of all of the things the media is digging up and that it is nothing new to her.

Excerpt from Adrienne Bailon’s interview:

“They can’t stop. It’s one after the other,” she says of the reports. “I hate that blogs don’t have journalistic integrity, and I hate that our audience right now doesn’t know that. There’s constant half-truths and full lies.”

“Nobody’s perfect, everybody deserves a chance of getting it right, including myself,” she tells Martinez. “You can hear everything their past and it doesn’t affect you the same way. So I’ve known everything about him and he knew everything about me, and it was like, ‘Dang, I still like you.’ That’s my best friend so I’m really happy.”


It’s great that Adrienne is so happy and in love with her future husband. However, she’s been famous long enough to know that as messy and unnecessary as it is, having your relationship pulled apart by the media is unfortunately part of the business. Hopefully, she can continue to block out the negative and enjoy her upcoming nuptials.


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Adrienne Bailon Not Happy With Her Fiancé’s Portrayal In The Media  was originally published on ionehellobeautiful.staging.go.ione.nyc