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The devastating news regarding the horrific Orlando attack just continues to get worse and more disturbing as the days go by. The latest development involves text messages reportedly sent between Omar Mateen and his wife during the massacre that left 50 people dead.


Reported by Love B. Scott via CNN, during the fatal attack at Orlando nightclub Pulse, Mateen was allegedly sending text messages back and forth to his wife. This disturbing new information further implicates Mateen’s wife Noor Salman in the attack.


The full account reads:


Around 4 a.m. on June 12, about two hours after he started the attack and while holed up in a bathroom, Omar Mateen texted his wife, Noor Salman, asking if she’d seen the news, the official said.


At one point, she responded with a text saying that she loved him. Salman also tried calling her husband several times during the standoff, a second law enforcement official said.


The timing of her calls came after reports of the attack had emerged, and apparently after she realized her husband might be responsible. He didn’t answer, the official said.

omar mateen wife

As the U.S. Attorney continues plans to gather evidence against Salman to bring before the federal grand jury to determine if/when charges will be filed, she has also given several conflicting statements detailing just how much or little she knew about her husband’s plans. The couple married back in 2011 and reportedly were estranged during select periods of the marriage, they also shared a 3-year-old son


Check out more of the Orlando attack here:



Omar Mateen Allegedly Exchanged Text Messages With His Wife During Orlando Attack  was originally published on ionehellobeautiful.staging.go.ione.nyc