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As the days pass, more information surfaces about Orlando mass killer Omar Mateen.

Several of this old classmates came forward to talk about what he was like as a kid, their narrative supporting prior reports that say Mateen had been troubled for most of his life. Courtesy of TMZ, we learn that he allegedly threatened to shoot up his fifth grade school and was suspended for two weeks because of it.

The site reports: “5th grade classmate Leslie Hall tells us Mateen told a group of kids at Mariposa Elementary he was going to bring a gun to school and kill everyone. She says it was not received as a joke and the kids immediately told a teacher, and Mateen was suspended for 2 weeks.

Hall doesn’t recall exactly what prompted the threat, but does remember her mom having multiple meetings with the school faculty about Mateen’s constant bullying of her and other students. The behavior issues continued into middle school … according to Hall and other classmates who say he threw chairs and spat at teachers.”

Adding, “Mateen’s former classmates all agreed the warning signs were abundant at an early age … and they all wished more had been done in terms of discipline or counseling.”

The world continues to keep the victims and their families in prayers. Click here for more details on the mass killing that left over 50 dead in an Orlando, Florida club this weekend.




Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen Once Threatened To Shoot Up His 5th Grade School  was originally published on ioneglobalgrind.staging.go.ione.nyc