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Thank goodness for Allison Anderwald, who at five years old, became a very unlikely hero.

The “little mermaid” from Texas found her mom Tracy floating face down in a relative’s pool just in the nick of time – Tracy had already been there for about five minutes after suffering a seizure and if one more minute had passed, she probably would be dead right now.

Allison quickly dove into the pool and though it took a few attempts, pulled her mom from the deeper part all the way to the shallow end, where she turned her mom over and pulled her head above water before going to get her aunt and sisters.

Aunt Tedra Hunt said of the near-tragedy via ABC News:

“She was really heavy, and I could only get the top part of her out, and then her other daughters ran over and helped me get her out, and so, Allison was able to do that on her own. It’s a miracle.”

Tracy, who taught her daughter to swim at 2 and half years old, had this to say about her heroine:

“Hands down she saved my life. It could have turned out a lot worse that what it was,” adding later, “She’s our little mermaid and my little hero.”

Watch the courageous tot save her mom’s life in the footage above – yep, it was all caught on surveillance camera.


Watch: 5-Year-Old Girl Saves Mother From Drowning  was originally published on ioneglobalgrind.staging.go.ione.nyc